The Lisle Area Chamber of Commerce awards scholarships to high school students graduating in 2025.
Awards are based on several considerations that include academic achievement, community involvement, and need.
Application deadline is April 11, 2025 by 4:00 p.m.
Application Requirements
* Applicants must either have an immediate family member who is a member of the Lisle Area Chamber of Commerce (individually or through corporate affiliation), or they must have a Lisle mailing address.
* Applicants must plan to attend a technical or trade school, business college, or a two- or four-year college or university.
* The application packet must be fully and legibly completed.
* The application must be received at the Lisle Area Chamber of Commerce via email submission ( or; delivered in-person to the Lisle Area Chamber office or by U.S. Mail postmarked (925 Burlington Avenue, Lisle IL 60532) by 4:00 p.m. on April 11, 2025. The Lisle Area Chamber of Commerce assumes no responsibility for application packets that are not correctly submitted. For any questions in regard to application submissions, please contact the Chamber at (630) 271-4102.
Click on link below for the 2025 Scholarship Application
2025 Lisle Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Application